Saturday evening, I remember fondly the Royal Oak from back in 2011 when I came with my friend Florence, so I went back to grab a beer there. There is music inside, it’s packed with people. The first band is Graeme Laird and Sam, guitar/harmonica/violin. There is a group of guys next to them that are constantly taking over playing songs on the piano too. Everyone is singing along when they know the lyrics.
Then comes the turn of a young guitar player called Brendan I believe, he has an insane voice and plays renown songs like Hendrix (All Along the Watchtower), Nirvana, Bob Marley, etc. And then his friend takes over and after 2 songs I am kinda fed up with it so I go back to the hostel. Maybe I did not drink enough ahah.

Sunday October 8th 2023, after a delicious chai latte and a delectable scone and jam at the Black Medicine Coffee Company, I go to the museum. The Museum is huge, there is loads to see, and I spend there 4 hours but I could have spent more if I didn’t want to go somewhere else in the afternoon.