Oct 11 2023, Meall a’ Bhuachaille, This is the name of the mountain I climbed. Originally my plan was to stay in the valley, beautiful weather that day but quite a lot of wind. On the way to Ryvoan Bothy, there was a solo hiker overtaking me and I overtook her, once at the bothy, I see her going for the climb, so, not without a lot of thought, I follow her of course ! It feels like the climb never stops, and that I am about to fly away a couple of times, but I finally get to the windy top, where a pile of rock is. The solo hiker is there, we start chating in English only to realize that we are both french, looking at our Quechua equipment (which is only found in France I believe). Cécile is her name and we will head back down together towards Loch Morlich, conversing about life and Scotland. She has a van and is touring Scotland with it, pretty cool.
Near the lake there is a herd of tamed reindeers, I could get a glimpse of one through a fence.
After a picnic at Loch Morlich, and my first and only millionaire shortbread of the trip, I head back down to Aviemore with the bus to do some groceries and plan my next steps in the hostel lounge and paint some on my travel sketchbook.